Post #1 · Posted at 2020-10-04 06:10:04am 8 months ago

You will know MAME. That emulator capable of emulating arcade machine games and reliving those times when we played on those little machines spending our credits until we ran out of money. As well as playing games that were hard to find rarities and most were exclusive to Arcade.
But everything has its pros and cons. Well, MAME is not capable of emulating various games 100%, either because they have graphical errors, it has many slowdowns or problems that make the game unplayable.
And unfortunately this happens to the BEMANI games. Some work perfectly well, others are playable but with some bugs and most are unplayable.
Because of that, I will ask you the question ... Why isn't there a proper emulator for BEMANI AC games?
They will see. There are tons of emulators dedicated to different arcade boards. Like Final Burn, he decides to emulate games from the CPS1, CPS2, CPS3 and Neo Geo boards. Zinc, which is dedicated to emulating arcade board games based on PS1 hardware such as ZN-1, ZN-2 and Namco System 11. Finally there was Demul, who is dedicated to emulating boards whose hardware is based on or similar to Dreamcast like NAOMI, NAOMI 2, Atomiswave and Hikaru.
I wish there is an emulator, and that this emulator is dedicated solely and exclusively to emulating BEMANI games. Make it open source because I want it to be a community project and to borrow parts of the MAME source code to make its development a little easier. Even it has built-in tools to rip songs and all kinds of assests.
This would be the arcade boards with respective specifications and their respective games that I want to be emulated that I will put on this list.
CPU ; MC68EC020FG25 @ 25MHz
Custom Chips ; 058143, 056832, 055555, 056766, 058141, and KS10101
Sound ; Custom Konami Sound Chips for Multiple Sound Channels
Res ; 24kHz 512x384
Drives ; Pop'N Music use 3.5inch IDE-HDD, all other games use 2.5inch.
Roms ; Program and graphics on EEPROM.
Notes ; Hardware is basically Konami GX with a hard-drive.
-beatmania 2ndMIX
-beatmania 3rdMIX
-beatmania completeMIX
-beatmania 4thMIX -the beat goes on-
-beatmania 5thMIX -Time to get down-
-beatmania completeMIX 2
-beatmania ClubMIX
-beatmnaia featuring DREAMS COME TRUE
-beatmania CORE REMIX
-beatmania 7thMIX -keepin' evolution-
-beatmania THE FINAL
-pop'n music
-pop'n music 2
-pop'n music 3
-pop'n stage
-pop'n stage ex
System ; Based on the PSX based System 573.
I/O Board ; Digital I/O board GX894-PWB (B)A
Analog board gets audio directly from the audio output on the CD-Rom drive.
Sound is also routed differently through the PCB compared to Digital board.
Main CPU : R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 33.8688MHz, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB
BUS ; 132 MB/sec.
OS ROM ; 512 Kilobytes
Additional Sound Chips ; Playstation SPU, 24 Channels, 44.1KHz sample rate, PCM audio source, Digital effects include: Envelope, Looping, Digital Reverb, Load up to 512K of sampled waveforms, Supports MIDI Instruments.
Main RAM; 2 Megabytes
Video RAM; 2 Megabyte
Sound RAM ; 512 Kilobytes
Graphical Processor ; 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling)
Sprite Effects ; Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll
Resolution ; 256x224 - 740x480
Colours ; 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables)
Other Features ; custom geometry engine, custom polygon engine, MJPEG decoder
This hardware is based on Sony PlayStation
-DanceDanceRevolution Internet Ranking Version
-DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX
-DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX with beatmania IIDX CLUB VERSiON
-DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX LINK VERSION
-DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX AND beatmania IIDX substream CLUB VERSiON 2
-DanceDanceRevolution KIDS
-Dancing Stage
-Dancing Stage featuring TRUE KiSS DESTiNATiON
-GUITARFREAKS 2ndMIX Link version
Hardware Notes ; Playstation based but not system 573.
Main CPU ; R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 33.8688MHz, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB
BUS ; 132 MB/sec.
OS ROM ; 512 Kilobytes
Sound CPU ; 68000
Sound Chip ; RF5c400
Additional Sound Chips ; Playstation SPU, 24 Channels, 44.1KHz sample rate, PCM audio source, Digital effects include; Envelope, Looping, Digital Reverb, Load up to 512K of sampled waveforms, Supports MIDI Instruments.
Main RAM; 2 Megabytes
Video RAM; 2 Megabyte
Sound RAM ; 512 Kilobytes
Graphical Processor ; 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling)
Sprite Effects ; Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll
Colours ; 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables)
Display notes ; Display is composite TV so can use unlimited colors, but system uses CLUT due to overlay graphics only use 16k colors for background animation and 256 colours for flames and demo.
Other Features ; custom geometry engine, custom polygon engine, MJPEG decoder
Storage Media ; Combination of CD's, DVD's, Roms and Harddrive with a small ROM cartridge for protection.
JVC DVD player ; DVD background movies.
Toshiba PD chip ; Security chip.
SCSI CD-Rom drive ; Program core and ingame graphics.
IDE Hard Drive ; Audio.
Conversion Notes ; All games can be converted to latest versions.
Upgrade kits consist of 2 CD's, Security Chip, DVD, Hard-Drive, Manual and all associated stickers.
PCB : Case - Main - SPU - Sub 2
This hardware is based on Sony PlayStation
-beatmania IIDX
-beatmania IIDX CLUB VERSiON
-beatmania IIDX substream
-beatmania IIDX substream CLUB VERSiON 2
-beatmania IIDX 2nd style
-beatmania IIDX 3rd style
-beatmania IIDX 4th style
-beatmania IIDX 5th style
-beatmania IIDX 6th style
-beatmania IIDX 7th style
-beatmania IIDX 8th style
System ; Based on the PSX based System 573.
I/O Board ; Digital I/O board GX894-PWB (B)A
Digital board gets sound in digital format from the CD-Rom through the the IDE lead.
Sound is also routed differently through the PCB compared to Analog board.
Main CPU ; R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 33.8688MHz, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB
BUS ; 132 MB/sec.
OS ROM ; 512 Kilobytes
Additional Sound Chips ; Playstation SPU, 24 Channels, 44.1KHz sample rate, PCM audio source, Digital effects include; Envelope, Looping, Digital Reverb, Load up to 512K of sampled waveforms, Supports MIDI Instruments.
Main RAM; 2 Megabytes
Video RAM; 2 Megabyte
Sound RAM ; 512 Kilobytes
Graphical Processor ; 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling)
Sprite Effects ; Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll
Resolution ; 256x224 - 740x480
Colours ; 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables)
Other Features ; custom geometry engine, custom polygon engine, MJPEG decoder
Flash Card Notes ; All games used a 32meg flash card for the games program, the exception for this is the 'Disney's Rave' machine, which for some reason uses a 16meg flash card, so if you want to upgrade you need to get your hands on a 32 meg card.
Notes ; Drummania and Guitar Freaks can actually be linked together for 'Jam' sessions.
Conversion Notes ; The newer versions require some of the roms to be flashed on the mainboard when upgrading the machines. DDR5th Mix was possibly the first to do this. Upgrade kits for 5th Mix come with the System Disc and a security cartridge. To upgrade, Normally, for DDR, the system will boot to the CD, check the security cart, if the cart's empty, it'll overwrite the security cart and prompt a reboot. After the reboot, it'll check the security cart as normal and now as it's been written to will boot up normally.
This was, among other things, to change the game system code so the game would run at 60 fps as opposed to 30 fps.
3rd Mix Notes (thanks to Ross) : How to tell what version of 3rd Mix you have...
If the default song is 'Shock' then you have a 3rd Mix Korea Ver.2. Thist has 16 Korean songs on it, the drawback is that it's missing a few songs from both 3rd and 2nd Mix.
If your default song is Bakkwo then you have a 3rd Korea. If you have ever played on a 3rd Mix Plus, 4th, or 4th Plus you will notice that these are the same seven songs on the other mixes.
Lastly if you default song is Upside Down then it's an asian 3rd Mix. Not only are there songs missing from the real Japanese version but there are 0 Korean songs as well.
This hardware is based on Sony PlayStation
-drummania 2ndMIX
-GUITARFREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX
-GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX
-GUITARFREAKS 6thMIX & drummania 5thMIX
-GUITARFREAKS 7thMIX & drummania 6thMIX
-GUITARFREAKS 8thMIX & drummania 7thMIX
-GUITARFREAKS 8thMIX & drummania 7thMIX power-up ver.
-GUITARFREAKS 9thMIX & drummania 8thMIX
-GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX
-GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX
-DanceDanceRevolution Solo BASS MIX
-DanceDanceRevolution 3rdMIX
-DanceDanceRevolution Solo 2000
-DanceDanceRevolution 3rdMIX VER.KOREA
-DanceDanceRevolution 3rdMIX Ver.KOREA2
-DanceDanceRevolution 3rdMIX PLUS
-DanceDanceRevolution 4thMIX
-DanceDanceRevolution 4thMIX PLUS
-DanceDanceRevolution 5thMIX
-DDRMAX -DanceDanceRevolution 6thMIX-
-DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution 7thMIX-
-DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME
-Dancing Stage featuring DREAMS COME TRUE
-Dancing Stage EuroMIX
-Dancing Stage featuring Disney's RAVE
-Dancing Stage EuroMIX2
-Dance Maniax
-Dance Maniax 2ndMIX
-Martial Beat
System Notes ; A combination of a karaoke studio and a Bemani System 573 Digital Hardware DDR machine hooked up together. Apparently has in excess of 3000 songs on it.
I/O Board ; Digital I/O board GX894-PWB (B)A
Digital board gets sound in digital format from a CD-Rom (or possibly a hard drive?) through the the IDE lead.
Main CPU ; R3000A 32 bit RISC processor, Clock - 33.8688MHz, Operating performance - 30 MIPS, Instruction Cache - 4KB
BUS ; 132 MB/sec.
OS ROM ; 512 Kilobytes
Additional Sound Chips ; Playstation SPU, 24 Channels, 44.1KHz sample rate, PCM audio source, Digital effects include; Envelope, Looping, Digital Reverb, Load up to 512K of sampled waveforms, Supports MIDI Instruments.
Main RAM; 2 Megabytes
Video RAM; 2 Megabyte
Sound RAM ; 512 Kilobytes
Graphical Processor ; 360,000 polygons/sec, Sprite/BG drawing, Adjustable frame buffer, No line restriction, 4,000 8x8 pixel sprites with individual scaling and rotation, Simultaneous backgrounds (Parallax scrolling)
Sprite Effects ; Rotation, Scaling up/down, Warping, Transparency, Fading, Priority, Vertical and horizontal line scroll
Resolution ; 256x224 - 740x480
Colours ; 16.7 million colors, Unlimited CLUTs (Color Look-Up Tables)
Other Features ; custom geometry engine, custom polygon engine, MJPEG decoder
This hardware is based on Sony PlayStation
-DanceDanceRevolution KaraokemiX
-DanceDanceRevolution KaraokemiX 2nd
CPU ; IBM Power PC 403GCX
Graphics System ; Konami custom (sprite style chip)
Sound ; YMZ280B
Software ; DVD Drive, CD-ROM drive & Dongle
Graphics Notes ; Can draw arbitrary sized images from VRAM, which is laid out like a 2D texture sheet, also all the images are packed 16-bit pixels so there's no palette.
Storage Media
Beatmania III series ; CD-ROM (Program & Data) & 3.5inch IDE-HDD(Audio)
Keyboardmania series ; CD-ROM (Program) & CD-ROM (CD-DA Audio)
Pop'n music series ; CD-ROM (Program) & DVD-ROM (Audio)
Para Para Paradise 1&1stPlus ; CD-ROM (Program) & CD-ROM (CD-DA Audio)
Notes : Mem cards are compact flash and are packed to death, it holds everthing, and is fully transportable across boards through flash cards.
Notes : Some cabinets can actually be linked together for 'Jam' sessions.
PCB: Front of Crate - Main PCB - Main PCB Back - Extend PCB - Midi/Amp board - Backplane - Backplane Alt - Side - Discs
-Keyboard Heaven
-pop'n music Animelo
-pop'n music 4
-pop'n music MICKEY TUNES
-pop'n music Animelo 2
-pop'n music 5
-pop'n music 6
-pop'n music 7
-pop'n music 8
-ee'MALL 2nd avenue
-beatmania III
-beatmania III APPEND 6thMIX
-beatmania III APPEND 7thMIX
-beatmania III THE FINAL
-ParaParaParadise V1.1
-ParaParaParadise 1st MIX Plus
-ParaParaParadise DX
CPU ; Motorola Power PC XPC8240 @ 200-250MHz
Graphics System ; 3DFX 355-0024-020 (Equivalent to 3dfx Voodoo3/Avenger)
Sound ; YMZ280B
ROMS ; Flash Card based, some secured, and all controlled by an RTC Ram.
Notes ; Mem cards are compact flash and are packed to death, it holds everthing, and is fully transportable across boards, through flash cards. The only one not transportable so far are Police 24/7 2, and Sogeki.
PCB Pictures ; Large PCB
-ParaParaParadise 2nd MIX
-pop'n music 9
CPU ; 128 Bit 'Emotion Engine'
- System Clock; 300 MHz
- System Memory; 32 MB Direct Rambus
- Memory Bus Bandwidth; 3.2 GB per second
- Co-Processor; FPU (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 1, Floating Point Divider x 1)
- Vector Units; VU0 and VU1 (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 9, Floating Point Divider x 1)
- Floating Point Performance; 6.2 GFLOPS
- 3D CG Geometric Transformation; 66 million Polygons Per Second
- Compressed Image Decoder; MPEG2
Graphics ; 'Graphics Synthesizer'
- Clock Frequency; 150MHz
- DRAM Bus bandwidth; 48 GB Per Second
- DRAM Bus width; 2560 bits
- Pixel Configuration; RGB:Alpha;Z Buffer (24:8:32)
- Maximum Polygon Rate; 75 Million Polygons Per Second
Sound ; 'SPU2+CPU'
- Number of voices; ADPCM: 48 channel on SPU2 plus definable by software
- Sampling Frequency; 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz (selectable)
I/O Processor
- CPU Core; Current PlayStation CPU
- Clock Frequency; 33.8 MHz or 37.5 MHz (selectable)
- Sub Bus; 32 Bit
Connection Format ; JVS
Hardware Notes ; Hardware is made up of a Konami main board (a bit like Viper) containing a couple of Konami chips, a flashROM, a couple of CPLDs and a heat sinked Toshiba TMPR3927.
On top of that on another metal platform is a standard PS2 main board (the original PS2, old type square board) with the standard PS2 video cable plugged into it and into the main board, plus a power cable coming from the main Konami board into it and a small cable coming from the PS2 front connection board in a tiny connector joining to a connector on the main board. The front controller/memory card ports are present and in one of them is a Sony Magic Gate card which no doubt has a 16M flashROM and a secured PIC. Main game is stored on a 128M CF card which plugs into the Konami main board
This hardware is based on Sony PlayStation 2
-Dancing Stage Fusion
CPU ; 128 Bit 'Emotion Engine'
- System Clock; 300 MHz
- System Memory; 32 MB Direct Rambus
- Memory Bus Bandwidth; 3.2 GB per second
- Co-Processor; FPU (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 1, Floating Point Divider x 1)
- Vector Units; VU0 and VU1 (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 9, Floating Point Divider x 1)
- Floating Point Performance; 6.2 GFLOPS
- 3D CG Geometric Transformation; 66 million Polygons Per Second
- Compressed Image Decoder: MPEG2
Graphics ; 'Graphics Synthesizer'
- Clock Frequency; 150MHz
- DRAM Bus bandwidth; 48 GB Per Second
- DRAM Bus width; 2560 bits
- Pixel Configuration; RGB:Alpha:Z Buffer (24:8:32)
- Maximum Polygon Rate; 75 Million Polygons Per Second
Sound ; 'SPU2+CPU'
- Number of voices; ADPCM: 48 channel on SPU2 plus definable by software
- Sampling Frequency; 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz (selectable)
I/O Processor
- CPU Core; Current PlayStation CPU
- Clock Frequency; 33.8 MHz or 37.5 MHz (selectable)
- Sub Bus; 32 Bit
Software ; Stored on a hard drive plugged into the PS2's hard drive adaptor port.
Notes ; It's a Playstation 2 (Model SCPH-50000 (MB/NH) - Japanese NTSC), with a hard drive and an adaptor board.
This hardware is based on Sony PlayStation 2
-pop'n music 10
-pop'n music 11
-pop'n music 12 Iroha
-pop'n music 13 Carnival
-pop'n music 14 FEVER!
-GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V
-GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2
-GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3
-DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA
-DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA2
-Dancing Stage SuperNOVA
I got the information in the following link:
What do you think? I want that emulator that I want to come true
And you can already play the early Beatmania/DDR/Pop'N games with MAME, and we just now have support for IIDX 1-8. Tl;dr, there's no way there's going to be an 'emulator' for all these AC Bemani games under one roof; there's already much easier, and much less legally ambiguous ways of playing DDR/IIDX/etc. Games promoted to working: beatmania IIDX 4th style (GCA03 JAA), beatmania IIDX 6th style (GCB4U JAB), beatmania IIDX 6th style (GCB4U JAA), beatmania IIDX 7th style (GCB44 JAA), beatmania IIDX 8th style (GCC44 JAA) and beatmania IIDX Substream with DDR 2nd Club Version 2 (984 A01 BM). Changed RF5C400 clock to match board notes in driver. Beatmania IIDX 8th style Model C44 (2002) beatmania IIDX 9th style (2003) beatmania IIDX 10th style (2004) beatmania IIDX 11 IIDXRED (2004) beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY (2005) beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD (2006) beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD (2007) beatmania IIDX 15 DJ TROOPERS (2007) beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS (2008) beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS (2009). Beatmania iidx ps2 emulation is hard to find So idk if I can ask this here but I bought the phoenixwan controller and was looking to play some beatmania. I spent an hour or so looking for the ps2 beatmania games to emulate them because that seems like a good starting point for a noob like me but I just can't find them anywhere.
Post #2 · Posted at 2020-10-04 10:01:30am 8 months ago
oh its the guy that wants every single IIDX song ported over to some iidx software and think it will be free.
Nevermind. lmao.
Post #3 · Posted at 2020-10-04 10:16:07am 8 months ago
Post #4 · Posted at 2020-10-04 11:14:59am 8 months ago
midnightclubx | |
Member | |
936 Posts | |
Reg. 2014-06-06 | |
There's no reason to make an 'emulator' for the Python games because they're technically PS2 games (so you'd be better off hoping PCSX2 would add support a la Dolphin adding Triforce arcade support), and Firebeat's notoriously hard to replicate without using copyrighted code.
And you can already play the early Beatmania/DDR/Pop'N games with MAME, and we just now have support for IIDX 1-8.
tl;dr, there's no way there's going to be an 'emulator' for all these AC Bemani games under one roof; there's already much easier, and much less legally ambiguous ways of playing DDR/IIDX/etc. And even if that wasn't into consideration, it's not like making an emulator for Sega's Model 2 arcade board because there's a wide variety of games that use it; there's only a very small library that plays a very niche genre of games.
Post #5 · Posted at 2020-10-04 01:47:53pm 8 months ago
There's no reason to make an 'emulator' for the Python games because they're technically PS2 games (so you'd be better off hoping PCSX2 would add support a la Dolphin adding Triforce arcade support), and Firebeat's notoriously hard to replicate without using copyrighted code.
And you can already play the early Beatmania/DDR/Pop'N games with MAME, and we just now have support for IIDX 1-8.
tl;dr, there's no way there's going to be an 'emulator' for all these AC Bemani games under one roof; there's already much easier, and much less legally ambiguous ways of playing DDR/IIDX/etc. And even if that wasn't into consideration, it's not like making an emulator for Sega's Model 2 arcade board because there's a wide variety of games that use it; there's only a very small library that plays a very niche genre of games.
I'm just gonna say there IS an emulator besides MAME.
Beyond that, this topic is useless and needs to be trashed. He answered his own question, MAME is the only reliable thing out there unless you know your sources.

Post #6 · Posted at 2020-10-04 06:15:31pm 8 months ago
Post #7 · Posted at 2020-10-04 06:25:16pm 8 months ago
I would like to play beatmania III. Since it is the beatmania classic (5-key) but with better graphics, in addition to having exclusive songs that do not appear in the beatmania THE FINAL that uses the BEMANI DJ-MAIN arcade board.
Watch this gameplay and you will realize:
But that kind of game cannot be emulated in MAME, so I want that emulator that I want so much to be able to play that game.
Post #8 · Posted at 2020-10-04 06:34:34pm 8 months ago
Quickman | |
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5,718 Posts | |
Reg. 2013-08-17 | |
'Player one, pork chop' |
Post #9 · Posted at 2020-10-04 06:37:21pm 8 months ago
1. there's really no demand
2. it's not easy to make an emulator for this stuff
Post #10 · Posted at 2020-10-04 06:46:57pm 8 months ago
Member | |
406 Posts | |
Reg. 2012-11-28 | |
'cinnamon roll is tired of ur bs' |
Post #11 · Posted at 2020-10-04 07:13:59pm 8 months ago
Sigrev2 | |
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3,814 Posts | |
Reg. 2009-10-17 | |
'suffering from success' |
Post #12 · Posted at 2020-10-04 07:16:00pm 8 months ago
Quickman | |
Member+ | |
5,718 Posts | |
Reg. 2013-08-17 | |
'Player one, pork chop' |
This. Making an emulator is not a drag-and-drop-and-that's-it process. It's insanely hard work and usually takes years.
Post #13 · Posted at 2020-10-04 07:58:55pm 8 months ago
And I can't leave home because of the situation we have, you know why.
Post #14 · Posted at 2020-10-04 07:59:51pm 8 months ago
Sigrev2 | |
Member+ | |
3,814 Posts | |
Reg. 2009-10-17 | |
'suffering from success' |
right now
Post #15 · Posted at 2020-10-04 08:01:26pm 8 months ago
right now
Post #16 · Posted at 2020-10-04 08:03:44pm 8 months ago
Sigrev2 | |
Member+ | |
3,814 Posts | |
Reg. 2009-10-17 | |
'suffering from success' |
Post #17 · Posted at 2020-10-04 09:02:53pm 8 months ago
hypnoticmarten77 | |
Member+ | |
970 Posts | |
Reg. 2014-08-03 | |
'dababy less goooo' |
and no sorry no one is gonna want to put focus on a new emulator that can only play like a handful of old japanese rhythm games over continuing to develop the most versatile arcade emulator on the market which just recently started to happen to support some bemani games
Thanks for the amazing banner Lord Toon! // Latest update: 4/9/2021
Post #18 · Posted at 2020-10-04 09:21:01pm 8 months ago
VR0 | |
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818 Posts | |
Reg. 2012-03-20 | |
'ムーン ゴーシュス メヂィデーション' |
My username in these games:
StepMania 3.9+ REDUX: VRC
DDR Supernova onwards / IIDX ID: VR0
Post #19 · Posted at 2020-10-04 09:25:12pm 8 months ago
Post #20 · Posted at 2020-10-05 12:47:25am 8 months ago
SupremeX | |
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1,621 Posts | |
Not Set | |
Reg. 2010-01-25 | |
right now
Beatmania Iidx Emulator Free
It is not bad advice. Asking to make an emulator for thoses games is piracy.
10 years OMG. 10 years in this forum. I can't believe this!!!
The arcade precursor to Guitar Hero and Rock Band’s plastic instruments craze of the early 2000s is Beatmania, a rhythm game that lets players unleash their inner DJ. The unique mix of skill and rhythm needed to play Beatmania make it one of the most demanding music games of its time, but is the game’s DJ gameplay fun enough for most players?
Money makes the world go round
Beatmania’s odd-shaped controller resembles a DJ console, complete with five buttons and a turntable. These buttons, arranged like an “M,” resemble the keys of a piano, and are the main controls of the game, as the players have to hit these buttons as they show up on the screen.
As with many other rhythm games, the notes on the screen fall in a cascade-like fashion, and players will have to press the corresponding buttons once they hit the bottom. Additionally, a prompt to scratch the turntable might also appear to spice things up a little.
Beatmania Iidx Simulator
The points in the game are represented as “Money” and players are graded on a scale. That scale isn’t affected by the player’s total Money, but by their overall accuracy during the song. It’s better to take your time and be as precise as possible rather than simply racking up points in Beatmania.
Learning the ropes
Due to the game’s unique nature, it’s a blessing that Konami decided to include a Practice mode. In Practice, players can learn the basics of the game from DJ Konami, as he tells players how to correctly play Beatmania via a voice-over.
Once you’re familiar enough with the basics, it’s time to take on Normal Mode. This mode, as its name might suggest, is Beatmania’s main event: players choose a song from a pool and play it for points. As the player beats songs, new and more difficult tracks get added to the song pool.
Expert Mode will give even the more skilled Beatmania players a run for their money. In this mode, players play through all the songs in a set in order, losing energy (represented by the “Audience” bar) faster than usual. Thankfully, continues are allowed, but that doesn’t make Expert Mode any easier.
Familiar beats
Beatmania Iidx Emulator
As a Japanese developer, Konami made sure to include the talents of many local artists. That said, these DJs might be a bit obscure for American audiences, even for the most avid electronic music enthusiasts.
There’s one negative aspect about the song selection that’s worth mentioning: most of the songs are too long. This baffling decision is weird considering that Beatmania started as an arcade game, where shorter songs would mean more quarters being spent.
Luckily for non-electronic music fans, the guys at Konami also made sure to include some great nods to their other game series. Remixes of music from Castlevania or Metal Gear Solid can be found in the setlist, meaning that fans of other series can try playing a song they’ve already listened to many times before.

Beatmania is a great start for a franchise, but by itself, it’s a simple game that lacks any meaningful depth. The arcade nature of the gameplay means that play sessions of Beatmania are kept sweet and short, with little reason to spend time with the game other than to master the small selection of songs it has to offer.
The controls work great, and if you’re a fan of Japanese electronic music you’ll find some great tracks here. This is a game for a very niche audience, and for those in that audience, Beatmania is a game that won’t disappoint.
Beatmania Iidx Mobile
- Solid controls
- Clear interface
- Some remixes of other Konami classics
Beatmania Iidx Emulator Online
- Lack of gameplay modes
- Obscure tracklist
- Earlier songs are of questionable quality