Bonzi Buddy is a potentionally unwanted program, a keylogger, and a trojan. Don't download unless you are using a virtual machine (VM). Intro song: Do It For Love by P-HollaOutro song: Journey 2014 by K-391Most background music obtained from NoCopyrightSounds:
BonziBuddy, sometimes called bonsai buddy : . The software provides an on-screen software agent designed to help users surf the Internet by using Microsoft Agent technology.BonziBuddy, sometimes called Bonzi Buddy, Bonzibuddy, BonziBuddy, or BONZIBuddy : .

Bonzi Buddy Windows 10

Bonzi Buddy Text To Speech
Bonzi Buddy takes the form of a purple monkey on your desktop, and can easily be spotted.
Bonzi Buddy 2

Bonzi Buddy Virus
Amongst what it can do includes; talking to keep you company, walking, telling you a joke- funny right?, helping you browse, searching for files, send an e-mail, and helping in downloading files. Bonzi does all these like no other buddy or friend can, making it an outstanding buddy. He even can compare prices on the products you love and help you save money!
Bonzi Buddy 1
Version 1.7.0: The desktop buddy has undergone a lot of improvements with the adwares completely removed. This move was in a bid to remain relevant in the desktop buddy world. All you have got to do is to check it out.