Need Vintage License Plates for your collection? Looking for that special license plate for your project? We are a dedicated seller of rare, collectors, and hard to find, license plates. Shop our inventory of over 6000 products and find that special plate. A vehicle registration plate, also known as a number plate (British English) or a license plate (American English), is a metal or plastic plate attached to a motor vehicle or trailer for official identification purposes. All countries require registration plates for road vehicles such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Florida issued pairs of license plates from 1918 to 1921. Single license plates have been issued from 1922 to the present. We have developed a Florida License Plates County Numbers And Types Key that will help you decipher the two key factors for Florida's license plates, which is the County Numbers and Codes for the license plate and the. (4)(a) In addition to a penalty provided in subsection (3), a delinquent fee based on the following schedule of license taxes shall be imposed on any applicant who fails to renew a registration prior to the end of the month in which renewal registration is due. The delinquent fee shall be applied beginning on the 11th calendar day of the month succeeding the renewal period.
SUMMARY: Specialty License Plates in FloridaMany specialty license plates are offered in Florida, including personalized license plates and special design plates for charities and organizations. Most specialty license plates require applications completed in person at a FL DHSMV office.
Keep reading for details about specialty plates available from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV).
NOTE: Need disabled parking plates? Visit our Disability Placards & Plates page for more information.
Personalized License Plates
Personalized license plates issued by the FL DHSMV allow you to create your own custom tag number.
You can have:
- Up to 7 characters PLUS a hyphen or a space on most plate types.
- Up to 5 characters if your plate has a logo on the left side, such as a collegiate plate.
Fees for personalized plates are:
- $15 PLUSstandard registration fees to order.
- $15 PLUSregistration renewal fees to renew.
Special Design Tags in Florida
In addition to standard license plates, the FL DHSMV offers a wide range of specialty license plates with special designs.
Plates are available for:
- Colleges and universities, such as:
- Florida State University.
- University of Florida.
- The environment and wildlife, for example:
- Protect Our Oceans.
- State Wildflower license.
- Sports teams and athletics, including plates for:
- The Miami Dolphins.
- Support Florida Special Olympics.
- Special interests, such as:
- Family Values.
- Support Autism Programs.
- Special groups, including:
- Fraternal Order of Police.
- U.S. Navy.

See the FL DHSMV website for a complete list of specialty plates. Several new plates are also available for pre-ordering.
Specialty license plate fees may vary and are charged IN ADDITION to regular registration fees and renewal fees. For example:
- Florida State University license plate: $25 annually.
- Fraternal Order of Police tag: $25 annually.
In most cases, a portion of the fee helps support a charity or non-profit organization.
FL Military License Plates
Specialty license plates for military veterans and service members are also available in Florida, including plates for:
- The National Guard.
- U.S. Paratroopers.
- Vietnam War Veterans.
- Silver Star recipients.
- Operation Desert Storm Veterans.
The Florida DHSMV website has a complete list of military license plates.
Eligibility for a Military Plate
To be eligible for a military plate, your service record must show that your military experience reflects the designation on the license plate.
Proof of eligibility differs by license plate, but includes such documents as:
- Your discharge papers.
- Certification from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or Department of Defense.
- A military ID card.
See Full List On
Check for the specific type of proof required when you apply for your military plate.
Fees for Military Plates
Most military license plates cost only the standard vehicle registration fee.
However, some plates have different fees, for example:
- The Ex-POW plate: Free to eligible military members.
- The U.S. Paratrooper license plate: $20 PLUS registration fees.
The FL Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles website has a complete list of plates and fees.

Historic & Custom Vehicle Plates
The following historic and custom license plates are available from the FL DHSMV:
- Antique or Historic Vehicle plates, for vehicles that:
- Were made after 1945 AND are at least 30 years old, and;
- Have an engine that is at least 30 years old.
- Custom Vehicle plates, for vehicles:
- Made after 1948 AND are at least 25 years old, and;
- With a body made from non-original materials OR changed from its original design specifications.
- Horseless Carriage plates, for vehicles that:
- Were made no later than 1945, and;
- Are no more than 5,000 lbs.
- Street Rod plates, for vehicles:
- Made before 1949, and;
- Altered from their original specifications.
NOTE: Other types of vehicles, such as former military vehicles, may also qualify for a historic plate. See the Application for Registration of a Street Rod, Custom Vehicle, Horseless Carriage or Antique (Permanent) (Form HSMV 83045) for more information.
Fees for historic and custom vehicle plates vary:
- Antique Motor Vehicle plate (permanent plate): $46.50.
- Horseless Carriage plate: $50.75.
- Horseless Carriagemotorcycle plate: $50.50.
- Street Rod or Custom Vehicle plates: Contact your Florida county tax office for fees.
Authenticated License Plates
If your vehicle was made in 1974 or earlier AND meets any of the vehicle descriptions above, you can apply to use an authentic Florida plate from the same year as the vehicle.
Contact the FL DHSMV at (850) 617-2000 for additional requirements and fees.
Apply for Specialty Plates in Florida
You can apply for a specialty plate in Florida when you visit your local tax collector's office to register your vehicle or renew your registration. Below you will find the process for the different kinds of special and custom plates available.
In Florida, you must replace your license plates every 10 years. If you apply for a specialty plate before you are due for your plate replacement, you will have to pay extra fees.
Personalized Plate Applications
You can apply for personalized plates by visiting your local FL tax collector's office with the following:
- A completed Application for Personalized License Plate (Form HSMV 83043).
- Proof of current car insurance.
- Payment for your plate fee.

Special Design Plate Applications
To apply for a Florida Special Design plate, you'll need to visit the FL DHSMV tax collectorin person and request the plate of your choosing. Typically this is done at your registration renewal; otherwise you will pay a little extra to switch the plate during your cycle.
Military Plate Applications
You can apply for most military plates by visiting your local tax collector's office with the following:
- A completed Application for Military Service Related License Plates (Form HSMV 83034) or Application for U.S. Reserve or Florida National Guard License Plate (Form HSMV 83030)
- Proof of eligibility.
- Eligibility requirements vary and are listed on the application.
- Payment for the military plate fee.
Application for the following military plates must be submitted by mail to the address on the application:
- Medal of Honor.
- Silver Star.
- Distinguished Service Cross.
- Navy Cross.
- Air Force Cross.
Renew & Replace Specialty Plates
Renew Specialty Plates
You'll renew your FL custom plate when you renew your vehicle registration. Special plates have an annual use fee that you'll pay in addition to your regular registration renewal fees.
To learn more, visit our page on Renewing Your Registration in FL.
Replace Your Specialty Plates
To replace your lost, stolen, or damaged Florida plates, take the following to your local Florida tax collector's office:
- A completed Application for Replacement License Plate, Validation Decal or Parking Permit (Form HSMV 83146).
- Payment for replacement fees.
- Replacement fee will be waived if your plate was stolen and you certify on the application that you reported the stolen plate to the police.
Personalized Plates
Reports For Plate Number RGS In Florida, United States
If your personalized plate was lost or damaged, you may request a duplicate plate with the same number/message.
If it was stolen, you may only get a duplicate plated IF a police officer provides you with a statement that the plate was removed from the FCIC and NCIC computer files.
Florida Vehicle Registration Plate Type Rgs

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How To Run A Florida License Plate
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