
  • Neopets is one of the most successful and largest virtual pet sites on the internet, around 50 million accounts have been created (this includes users with as many as 5 side accounts) and ad revenue of about $2163.74 per day. Neopets is currently available in at least 10 different languages, which is perhaps the biggest reason for its growth.
  • Everything You Need to Know About the Purge. Okay, so for those who don’t know, there’s a purge going on in Neopets. Of course, we do not know the exact inner workings of the purge (only the TNT member who created the script knows, and they’ve been quiet about anything purge related).

The Neopian Pound is where you can pound, adopt, or transfer pets.
It is located in Pet Central.
This one is the most straightforward. To pound a pet navigate to the pound and click on the

The quick adopt link is a pretty useful link that allows you to get a NeoPet from the pound instantly. Only DSL or Cable, others are not fast enough. All neopets in the pound anyone can get it so it is your risk, and a faster a computer better chance so DSL or cable. You must know the quick adopt link, if not dont bother. I dont have enough time to explain the adopt link.

Yellow Techo sitting on the right. You will be taken to a page with a list of all of your pets (looking very upset).
Click 'Disown PetName?' beneath the pet you wish to leave at the pound.Neopets Quick Adopt LinkAdoptNeopets Quick Adopt Link
It will cost 250 NPs.
AdoptUnlike on Retail Neopets, they will not ask multiple times if you are sure, they will just immediately be put into the pound, so make sure you click the right pet!
It is in the page coding though, so at some time in the future it may become functional.
The Quick Adopt Link:
Link Before we get into adopting and transfers I want to explain the Quick Adopt Link, or QAL, a bit. To work the link you simply type the name of the pet into the box below, and click either link, or copy and paste the link into a new window. This can also be done manually by adding the pet name to the end of either of the two links. Both links basically work the same.
by Rodolfo
Quick Adopt Links:
As long as you have the space and the Neopoints (and the pet is in the pound) they will instantly be adopted.
If you put the name of a pet that is owned it will tell you they are happy in their home, and if the pet doesn't exist you will get a 500 error. If you're adopting from another user or transferring a pet this is a good sign of if you spelled the name correctly.
If the QAL doesn't work for you try these troubleshooting tips:
  • The link is CaSe sEnSiTiVe! Make sure the name
    is spelled and capitalized correctly.
  • Make sure there is NO / after the pet's name
  • Try typing www. before 'neopetsclassic'
    (this is second link on the generator)
  • If the www. is already there, try removing it
  • Try another device
    This ones a little more complex but not by much. To adopt a pet navigate to the pound and click on the Pink Uni sitting on the left. You will be taken to a page with 3 different pets who have been left in the pound by other users.
    From here you can continue to click 'Find a Neopet at Random' until you find a pet you like. Once you do you can adopt directly from the page if the pet is in the middle. If they are on the left or the right however, you'll need to use the Quick Adopt Link.
    The price to adopt a pet is displayed on the page as well. The base price is 63 NPs but this price varies with the pets stats. Any pets adoption fee can be found using Jellyneo's calculator here.
    This one is the most complicated but can be done safely if you take the proper precautions, and it becomes easy with practice.
    Transferring a pet is when you use the pound to either move a pet from one of your accounts to another, or when you are adopting a specific pet from another user.
    If you are moving your pet between your accounts you will need two browsers. These can both be on the same device or separate devices, such as a computer, phone, and/or tablet.
    The first time you attempt to transfer a pet you should try to have three or more browsers open, so that if you do run into any configuration issues you have a back up ready to adopt. Once you have had a 2-3 successful transfers you'll know your configuration is working and you wont need to have back-ups ready anymore.
    Choose a device to log into the account you want to pound from, whichever one you think is most likely to cause you issues, such as having the slowest internet. On every other browser you have open log into the account you want to adopt on. Make sure you have enough Neopoints out to adopt (you can use the calculator mentioned in the adopting section for this), and that you have room, and that you don't have a recently pounded pet as your active. In each of these browsers set up the Quick Adopt Link and have them all easily accessible.
    If you are adopting out a pet you only need to be prepared to pound on one browser. Pounding a pet can only go wrong in that it doesn't pound, so you don't need to have immediate back-ups ready. If you are adopting a pet from someone, take the same precautions as above, but set all browsers to the QAL.
    Now pound the pet you want to transfer.
    Immediately start refreshing the QAL in your most reliable browser, you can even start before the pet is pounded to be extra safe. 99% of the time the pet will instantly appear on your account and you're done!
    There are a few things that can go wrong when transferring a pet, if the pet isn't on your account first start trying your backup browsers, sometimes certain devices are just picky. If none work try the QAL troubleshooting tips. This is usually the culprit.
    There is also a chance the pound will tell you that you have the maximum amount of pets when trying to adopt a pet but this is somewhat rare and usually related to pounding an active pet to make room, as they are not removed as your active until you do it manually.
    If you do find yourself in the situation where you've tried all of your devices, and all of the QAL tips, open your pets lookup to make sure they made it to the pound and are still in there. If they are then the next step is to try surfing the pound to find them. People have been able to adopt the pet in these situations if they can get them to appear in the middle spot.
    If none of these things work, post in the Pound-Surfing channel on Discord, some one will usually be there to help troubleshoot and someone might even be nice enough to keep your pet safe while you figure out what went wrong.
    In the worst case scenario of someone else adopting your pet, just Neomail them. Be calm, be polite, don't freak out. Just tell them what happened.
    If you're very nervous about this happening you can attach a PetPet with a note with your username and saying the pet is being transferred, keep a window open with the pets lookup and you can refresh it and immediately take a screenshot of the PetPet with your name on their account so you have proof that the pet came from you. Nearly every time I've seen a pet has been lost in the pound, the person has returned them.
    Don't be too nervous, a lot of these issues are minor or uncommon. Just some of the little quirks that come along with NPC being a baby fan site. Safe transfers are in the works are should be coming sooner rather than later.
    Until then, Happy Pound Transferring!
    Good luck and stay safe!