Calculate the solution of your scrambled 2x2 Rubik's Cube with this online solver. Set up the stickers and let the program find the solution or generate a random shuffle and try to figure out the solution yourself rotating the faces!
Rubik's Cube Solver Algorithm
How To Use?
You can see an unfolded 2x2x2 cube on your screen. Click the Edit button to remove the colors of the puzzle and paste your colors one by one to the fields. Start with red, then green, white, yellow, blue and finally the orange. The program won't allow you to set up an invalid scramble, for example to add a corner piece with two stickers of the same color. The program will help you by guessing the colors of the remaining stickers. For example when you reach the last color the solver will set the remaining fields automatically. The solver supports any color scheme.
When your setup is complete press the Solve button to retreive the solution in less than 11 steps. The program will display the solution using the classic FRU notation and also a graphical demonstration of the steps using arrows. Since a clockwise rotation of a face rearranges the pieces the same way as a counterclockwise rotation of the opposite side it's enough to work with only the F(Front), R(Right) and U(Up) faces. Counterclockwise rotations are marked with an apostrophe, while double (180o) turns are marked with the number 2.
Rubik's Cube Solver Game
Solve It Yourself

Rubik's Cube Solver - Solve any Rubik's Cube with a simple step-by-step explanation. It's very easy to use our free 3D Rubik's Cube solver, simply fill in the colors and click the SOLVE button. 4x4 Rubik's Revenge Cube Solver. The online 4x4x4 solver is available on a separate domain: cube-solver.com The 4x4 Rubik's Revenge Solver calculates the steps needed to solve a scrambled cube. Input the fields of the scrambled cube and follow the instructions to solve the puzzle. EXCLUSIVE TO GRUBIKS - Rubik's Revenge 4x4x4 Solver! Grubiks is proud to present the WORLD'S FIRST online Rubik's Revenge Solver! Solving the 4x4x4 Rubik's Revenge is not as easy as solving the regular Rubik's Cube, it involves grouping the center pieces and pairing the edge pieces first - Only then can you solve it like a regular Rubik's cube. Rubik’s Cube (3x3) Online Solution The Rubik's Cube 2020 Solution Guide uses the layered method - TOP layer, MIDDLE layer, & BOTTOM layer. Whether you solve 1 layer or all 3, be sure to tell your teacher about this program so all your classmates can solve with you! Teachers from all over the country use our program, at no cost, to teach their classes not only to solve, but content area STEAM. Rubik’s Cube (3x3) Online Solution The Rubik's Cube 2020 Solution Guide uses the layered method - TOP layer, MIDDLE layer, & BOTTOM layer. Whether you solve 1 layer or all 3, be sure to tell your teacher about this program so all your classmates can solve with you!
This is not just a 2x2 solver but a puzzle simulator where you can play with the Pocke Cube. Click Scramble for a random shuffle and try to solve the cube yourself. Click a face to make a clockwise rotation as shown by the arrow.
How to solve the 2x2

The Pocket Cube is an easier puzzle than the Rubik's Cube. It can be solved as a 3x3 with corners only. Learn the solution of the 2x2 here!
Rubik's Cube Solver 3x3
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